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Spiritual Millionaires Radio Show Presents:

Join Debbie Papadakis and Nick Seneca Jankel where they will discuss his new book Switch On: Unleash Your Creativity and Thrive With the New Science and Spirit of Breakthrough. His book, Switch On: Unleash Your Creativity and Thrive With the New Science and Spirit of Breakthrough outlines Breakthrough Biodynamics, his pioneering fusion of the latest neuroscience, ancient traditions, practical philosophy and powerful tools for transformation. The book is based on Nick’s 20 years of research and experience at the forefront of personal, social and corporate change. His message is clear: “You can break through right where you are right now.”

Debbie Papadakis, RP, BCH, CI of Hypno Healing Institute, is a Toronto based Registered Psychotherapist, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Instructor, featured in Oprah’s O Magazine & O’s Big Book of Happiness, WNetwork, OWN, Zoomer Radio, Oprah.com & CNN.com, hypno-healing.com, debbie@hypno-healing.com , 416-760-8996

Nick Seneca Jankel is a 21st Century shaman who has helped over 50,000 individuals, hundreds of world-class organizations like Microsoft, Disney and Nike, a number of national governments and millions of TV viewers across the globe to switch on, unleash their creativity and break through real challenges to thrive. He has a triple 1st Class degree from Cambridge University in medicine and philosophy and a successful career in advertising and tech entrepreneurship behind him. He is partner at creative management consultancy www.wecreateworldwide.com
and co-founder of wisdom and wellbeing company www.ripeandready.com, www.nickjankel.com

Join us on this week’s show and contribute to this vital discussion. Call in with your questions.

Radio Show Details:
Date: Tuesday July 28, 2015
Time: 12:00 noon Eastern Time
Call in: (516) 387-1264

Please call in with your questions or comments at (516) 387-1264 or log in to chat with us.

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